Day 10 - Pregnancy Pilates
Today, we have a toning Pilates class designed for pregnancy. This workout is safe for the first two trimesters, but please avoid any exercises that involve lying on your back during the third trimester. The class is specifically tailored for the second trimester, so grab a pair of 1 kg dumbbells and join me on the mat!
Day 11 - Pregnancy Pilates
Welcome to the Pregnancy Pilates class for the second trimester. Today we focus on glutes only. Weak glutes might be the reason for bladder frequency and urgency. For this class, you need only your mat and something comfy to weak. Let`s get started.
Day 12 - Pregnancy Pilates
Upper body strength and mobility Pilates for pregnancy. Focusing on building upper body strength and mobility can minimize upper back, shoulder, and neck pain and discomfort. It is also important to keep your upper body mobile and flexible. If you want to achieve and have all these amazing benefi...