Day 5 - Pregnancy Pilates
This is a full-body pregnancy Pilates class. In addition to focusing on overall strength, we will also work on enhancing flexibility in the lower body and pelvic floor. The pelvic floor must be both strong and flexible, as this facilitates the birthing process. Strengthening these muscles will support you throughout your pregnancy and aid in postpartum recovery. Join me for another session of our first-trimester pregnancy Pilates series.
Day 6 - Pregnancy Pilates
Welcome to another pregnancy class. Today, we'll be using small pairs of dumbbells, weighing 1 kg each. You can opt for the same size or even smaller weights, or you can participate without any hand weights at all. This class will provide a challenging workout aimed at improving the strength of y...
Day 7 - Pregnancy Pilates
This is the first class of the second trimester in our Pregnancy Pilates program. Today, our focus will be on elongating and preparing our bodies for labor. Throughout the second trimester series, we'll take it easy and slow, emphasizing the quality of each movement. For this class, we'll be usin...
Day 8 - Pregnancy Pilates
This is the second class of the second trimester, where our focus will be on the legs. To feel free and live without pain, aim to attend this class as often as possible. During this workout, you'll encounter a variety of exercises aimed at strengthening your back and improving mobility. All you n...